Careful ladies be careful. It’s possible that on one of these warm nights when left to your own devices and fecund imaginations that you might get a little too carried away. That being the case, you might find yourself falling through a hole in your fantasy and finding yourself occupying a different world entirely, one where the rules are different and you have little control what happens to you. That’s what happened to a girl called Alison and if you’re good I’ll tell you all about it.
Somewhere in that buffer state between sleep and wakefulness Alison had taken herself out for a walk to the country side. What she was in the real world does not matter, but in this balmy arcadia she was young and simple and not versed in the was of the world. Out of nowhere a lake had appeared in front of her so she decided to go for a swim. As no one was about she took off her clothes, her first mistake as you will see, and dived in.
It was blissful to feel the cool water caressing her nakedness, but when she got out, she found that all her clothes had gone! While she wondered what on earth she could do a horse wandered over , and being ever curious she decided to get on it and see where it took her.
Her second mistake! My goodness will she never learn!
At first the horse, little more than a donkey let’s be honest, meandered and wandered then, breaking all rules of physics and Darwinian principals as things do in dreams, grew in size and strength and started to gallop in earnest and, as it did so, racing across the fields at ever increasing speed, her own body also became more bountiful and she became very aware of her breasts which were now full and outthrust,
but more than that she became ever more conscious of the motion of the horse beneath her spread and naked thighs till she found herself howling with pleasure and sing arias of satisfaction. At this point her other self, still snuggled deep in a designer bed in the reality of modern Fulham moaned in unison as her fantasy roped and tethered her into complete helplessness and took total control of her fate.

The horse took her to the outer walls of a remote castle,
and, hoping to find safety and refuge inside the girl, far too innocent for her own good, dismounted and went inside, temporarily forgetting that she was not only naked but now with a body with its new luscious breasts that would tempt a blind monk.
Instantly she was grabbed by a couple of ruffians who dragged her across the courtyard into large chamber where an in imposing looking man was sitting in a huge chair drinking wine and looking at her with a mixture of desire and curiosity.
“This is Baron Barbarous." The two ruffians said. And then, “Sire, this wanton wench could be exactly what you have been looking for.”
After taking his time to admire Alison’s delicious nakedness,

and even running his hands all over her, which despite her nervousness made her shiver with pleasure, the Baron ordered the men to bring her some clothes which they did and when he was dressed he finally spoke to her.
“I was about to have a notice posted asking for a wench just like you he said But now I don’t have to. You’ll do exactly for the job we have in mind.
“What job is that?” Alison asked, pleased to be dressed at last but having no idea what was going on.
“Castle strumpet.” Said the Baron. We need a girl to instruct my young son, Gervase in the ways of a girl’s body. He is a grave disappointment to me and spends his days writing poetry and listening to music. You know the sort.
“He has this silly idea that it’s boys he likes to have commerce with, not girls, so before he comes of age he will need persuding otherwise.”
“Oh no!” Said Alison, because although with one thing and another her body was in a strange state of need, the task described had no appeal for her at all. “I’m not doing that!”
“I see!” Said the Baron, coming over and taking her by the wrist. “You clearly have no idea how things work here. Maybe I’m not explaining myself properly."
And he pulled Alison across his knee, pulled up her long skirts to expose her bare bottom, and proceeded to explain himself with some vigour.
Far away in the tumble of her bed Alison felt every stinging spank , but no matter how much she screamed and wriggled and protested it made no difference and the Baron continued with his explanation. Still determined that she was not going to become the castle strumpet Alison kept up her resistance, and maybe her spanking could have gone on for ever, but then a rather grand looking woman (The Barons wife, Lady Anne) came in and demanded to know what was going on.
“I’m explaining to this girl that she has been chosen to be the castle strumpet.” said the Baron. “She’s being stubborn but I think I’m beginning to get my point across.”
“I see” Said Lady Anne with the sort of grim smile that should have told Alison everything she didn’t want to know. Let me have a go with her. You know how much I like explaining things to young girls like this.”
With her bottom glowing from the spanking she had just been given and pleased to have a moment’s relief, Alison was taken into Lady Anne’s private bed chamber thinking that being a female like her, Lady Anne would listen to her point of view and that her torment would be over, but of course she was wrong. Purring with pleasure, Lady Anne bent her over, pulled up her clothing and after a good long time exploring her nether contours set in to continue the explanation her husband had started earlier on Alison’s already sore bottom.
First she explained with a hairbrush,

and then with a cane.

She was good at explaining and finally Alison understood that being the castle strumpet was the very thing she had wanted to do all her life!
That evening Alison bathed and dressed her hair and put on the most becoming of the many dresses that had been laid out for her,
and then she found her way up the long curved stairs to Gervase’s bed chamber where she understood he had quiet lie down before going down for the evening feast. Inside she found him to be alarmingly attractive which instantly made her feel better about the task that had been allotted to her. Remembering all too clearly how in this strange castle “Explanations” tended to be practical rather than verbal, she started to set about explaining to Gervase what pleasures were a available from a young girl’s body.
She started her explanation by taking off all her clothes and letting his eyes take in the promise of her curves,
and much to her surprise he seemed to get the point immediately, parts of him reaching out apparently to get a better look.

Pleased with this reaction Alison moved on to touching and stroking his admittedly nice young body with her fingers,
then , happy with her progress experimented with sweet nibbles and little caresses with her tongue and lips.
He seemed to be learning far quicker than Alison had dared expect, and much to her surprise she found she rather liked being the castle strumpet, and as maybe she had a gift for this sort of thing perhaps she should stick with this for maybe month or two more.
By now Gervase was giving back as much as he had been receiving and it was all getting dangerously out of hand, but Alison was aware that just maybe he could be putting all this on for her benefit and was not really enjoying it at all. She needed tangible evidence of her achievement to show his parents, so encouraging him to lie back and enjoy she took hold of his now quivering manhood in her hands and eased and cajoled and pleasured it till with a groan and a gasp he expelled his gift into her hand.
“There Gervase,” She whispered to him feeling all too pleased with herself. “Aren’t girls a lot nicer than boys?”
“Of course they are.” He answered, his hand down between her thighs and making her squirm. “But I’m not Gervase. I’m cousin Morgan, just paying a visit. Gervase’s quarters are in the other wing of the castle."
To her surprise, Lady Anne did not seem too upset about what had happened, but even so still took her time to give Alison a long leisurely spanking, interrupted by periods of stroking and exploring that left Alison both confused and strangely aroused, everything here seemingly designed to ignite unknown longings in her young body.

“The thing is,” Lady Anne said. “I’m giving you this spanking as I rather enjoy having you young wenches across my knee. It’s not really a punishment. Your proper punishment is being arranged by my husband. It’s a while since he’s been able to use those shackles in the dungeon and he’s really looking forward to it.”
“Oh my God! Thought Alison. “I’ve got to escape. I’ve just got to get back to reality as this fantasy is now getting out of hand!”
And then, perceptively realising that this was all artificial and impossible and that somewhere it had all come about by the involvement of a donkey with magical powers, then maybe that same donkey could help get her out. Using all the powers of her imagination she conjured it too her so that she and the donkey seemed to be melded together,
and thus disguised she was able to escape down the steps and out to freedom, not stopping till she finally broke through and was back in the comfort of her own bed.
Still not quite sure where the boundary was between fantasy and reality she ran her hands over her body to find that the lush breasts she had dreamed of were her own and were as real as ever, and that being the case she quietly started to enjoy the fact.
Careful not to loose herself completely this time, Alison stroked her somulent limbs back to the that lovely half way point between pain and pleasure, fear and arousal, at all times keeping herself on the very edge of absolute bliss and holding it back so as to increase its intensity when it finally washed over her.
And now, on the very brink of it , she let her mind drift back to the Baron’s dungeon and the fate that might have awaited her there.

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