The public spanking was a staple of films from the forties and fifties, but now it is no more which has to be something of a shame. It was the spanking that we all prayed would happen, the girl lining herself up for it though physically gorgeous always teeth grindingly annoying and asking for it with every sneer and gesture so that when she finally landed up over the hero's knee, screaming with indignation while her rear end was given the good pasting it so thoroughly deserved, we found ourselves cheering inwardly.
One of the most classic examples of this is the John Wayne film Mclintoc which features his giving Maureen O'Hara a thorough spanking in her underwear in front of a jeering cheering crowd.

My book, Educating Anna starts with a flashback, Anne being taken onto the balcony of her own canal side house in Venice and spanked with her knickers down in front of a roaring crowd. The question is posed, who is spanking her and why, and what events had lead to this ultimate humiliation? So then we go back the beginning of Anna's journey into the world of erotic experience. I use a similar device in Sins of the Flesh, where an erotic film is being made set in a girls school where the young actresses often find themselves being given painful spankings in front of the class.
I have a friend with an adolescent daughter with whom I get on famously and as a result I have recently seen a lot of the teen movies she owns on DVD. Almost without exception one of the characters is a blonde bitch, a spoilt vindictive brat who has us all praying for revenge, and yes, in these films they always get some sort of humiliating come comeuppance by the end of it, but I always find myself thinking how much more satisfying it would be if took the form of a sound skirt up knickers down spanking in front of all their friends.
But, being me, of course I would!
Hearing your unspoken question, has Elizabeth ever been spanked in public, I suppose I have to give you ananswer and it’s sort of yes, but not quite what I suspect you were hoping for. Being both slim and petite it's not difficult for men to horse around with me, and at an otherwise respectable party a while ago I’d been teasing one of the men maybe just a bit too much. He suddenly announced that I was asking for it, grabbed hold of me, put his foot up on a chair then put me over his raised knee in front of everybody and gave me just one good smacker.
Inevitably it caused a lot of raucous laughter and some comments I’m not going to repeat, but while I went through the motions of recovering I was carefully checking to see how the guests had reacted to seeing me have my bottom smacked. Interestingly, it wasn't only the gin sodden men males who had a glow in their hooded eyes. A surprising number of the women had the unmistakable look people get when their mind is occupied with erotic thoughts.
I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in some of the bedrooms that night. I suspect that some of them were in for an unexpectedly interesting night.
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