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Why do men so love to spank us?
Why do men so enjoy spanking us? This is a question I have written about in the past, but I always come up with the same problem that there is simply so much to say that there is a danger of loosing all threads and going off down so many tangents that I might never find my way back.
A while ago a man friend of mine did seem to put his finger on it (no pun intended) when he said that men threaten girls with a spanking for the same reason that since the beginning of time schoolboys have pulled girl’s hair in the playground. When early sexual stirrings are confused and unacknowledged, it is a way of setting off an erotic a tension between the two people in question and to give an excuse for some physical contact, no matter however crude that contact might be.
“Think of it, “ He said. “There’s this gorgeous little creature tripping round your office every day in a skimpy tee shirt and a tiny little skirt.
She’s making you feel so horny you can barely cope with it, and what you can’t do is to say ‘I’d love to tip you backwards on my desk and thrust my tongue up your knicker leg,’ so instead you find some excuse to tell her she’s an inch away from being given a spanking. She blushes, the chances are that you do as well, and for a second both of you have an image in your minds of her pinned over your knee with her skirt up and her panties down round her thighs. She’s under your control, you can see her bare bottom, you can even fondle her bare bottom, and while she’s like that, within reason you can do to her what you want.”
He was so right. No question about that, but the subject is so complex it goes so much further. At least part of it is, or can be, about getting the opportunity , however slim to touch feel and generally misbehave and make free with the secret places a girl otherwise keeps hidden under her skirt. If the girl is not your lover, then this is giving you back door entry to somewhere otherwise denied to you and the world at large. But bearing in mind that for so many men simply saying “I have a good mind to put you across my knee young lady and give you a damn good spanking” is enough on its own to have their cock doing a dance in their pants, there is something far more deep rooted than the mere opportunity to expose and fondle.
Personally I think its essence is tied up in the power balance and deep rooted folk memories of the absolute right that authority figures from half a century ago had to control and punish. From the beginning of civilization until not that long ago parents and teachers and even employers could routinely up end expose and spank miscreant girls,
and when in modern times a man takes a an educated sophisticated girl over his knee, willingly or not, she is being turned into a scruffy little schoolgirl who needs to be taught a lesson. If she screams and fights he gets one sort of excitement from it, and if she squeals and wriggles because she’s loving it he gets another.
But as I keep saying, there’s more to it than that, and every new thread leads to another one. There is the whole subject of pleasure through inflicting pain , and of course there are the separate but related fetishes such as short skirts and stockings.(I’ve found that, although not all, a huge big majority of men who enjoy spanking their girlfriends like them to dress this way for it.)
And of course, the big one, why do so many of us girls get a buzz when our boyfriends decide it’s time we are given a good smacked bottom? For us it hurts, but still we seem to like it.
So much to say it could be a subject for a book in its own right. But, as always, in the dark times in which we live, anything that gives pleasure , especially sexual pleasure has to be a good thing. Over the next few weeks I’m going to try and do postings on as may different aspects of the subject I can think of. I suspect it’s going to keep me busy.