I’ll start with an anecdote that might seem way off subject but which does fact help lead me to where I am going. A Scotsman was asked why his countrymen regularly drink beer followed by a whisky chaser. He famously replied that when you drink only whisky you get drunk before you’re full, and when you drink only beer you get full before you’re drunk, but if you drink the two together you get drunk and full at the same time.
What on earth has this to do with the erotic attractions of being thrown across your lovers knee and soundly spanked? Easy, and I will get to it, but I need to tell you something first! The thing is, and sorry to disappoint a number of you out there, but I get no pleasure at all from being caned.
What I’m leading to is that for me, the excitement of being given a spanking is strongly connected with the associated ritual, those wonderful gusset moistening moments when a rather gorgeous man sits you on his lap and announces that you really are a mischievous little brat,
but nothing that five minutes across his knee with your knickers humiliatingly pulled down won’t sort out.
It’s all to do with sex, of course it is, but along with the sheer pleasure he gets from seeing his little girl’s bare bottom so beautifully displayed, somewhere in his subconscious is a primitive desire too punish you, a desire than no matter how civilised he is he won’t be able to subdue totally. Once he has you pinned helplessly in position, it will be hard for him to resist the urge to make your bottom really sting.
Fine for him, but what about you? You know that in a moment he will be chastising you in that time honoured way designed for misbehaving schoolgirls but now used primarily for cock teasing secretaries,
Provocative maids (whatever happened to those?)
and of course his endlessly naughty girlfriend.
It’s going to hurt, and one of the many and complex reasons it turns us on is that element of danger that goes with it. Personally I’m so keyed up when first upended and exposed that the first stinging slap is really not too bad and nor are the next few, but as my punishment progresses the warmth in my bottom gradually heats up till it’s beginning to verge on raging fire.

When this is accompanied by honeyed words reminding me that it really should not be necessary for a big grown up girl like me to have to be spanked like this and that he hopes I’m learning my lesson, then two sorts of warmth are running in parallel so when I’m whimpering both my apologies along with my promises to make it up to him in ways we both know he will appreciate,

pain and excitement are all mixed up in a weird erotic cocktail in my churned insides. In a sense I’m drunk and full at the same time which is where this all started out.
But being caned is something else entirely.
Here the girl experiences the most intense and awful pain from the outset set to that the anaesthetic of building excitement has not had time to kick in and do its stuff.
Not all of you will agree with me, and I would be fascinated to hear from any of you females who like to feel the stinging cut of a cane across your bent over bottom to help me get some sort of insight in to what’s in it for you.
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