This is a very popular and traditional recipe which has its roots in many different countries and cultures. There are of course endless regional variations, but all contain the same essential ingredients and elements and all are absolutely delicious.
These days there is absolutely no shortage of luscious free range girls ripe and ready for a good spanking up and down the whole country. They can be spotted in cafes,
and streets
and offices everywhere
and although the plumage can vary, a very short skirt coupled with high heels is a strong indication that this is the breed you are looking for. Those showing glimpses of suspender tend to be particularly juicy.,
Occasionally it’s possible to spot a whole group of them together giving a problem of choice,
but do remember however that capture can prove problematic and that without a licence taking one from the wild is very likely illegal.
I cannot stress enough that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the simple domestic bred variety which are frequently very tasty.
More than that, with thoughtful and careful preparation these often be found to have exotic flavours and overtones you might not have expected.
So much at this stage is a matter of taste. Many go for no more than the simple pulling down of the knickers.
Some prefer to remove them completely, and one school of cuisine favours the complete removal of all outer clothing .
There is a big following that insists that the girl must be garnished with stockings, and even these divide themselves between those who insist on suspenders and those who go for the simplicity of hold ups.
As I said, it’s all very much a matter of taste and it’s safe to say that the minimum requirement to get the very best out of this dish is that the bottom flesh is bare when spanked, and of course so positioned to ensure the maximum visual appreciation and manual access.
I would mention that for those with a suitably private garden, on a balmy summer’s evening, all this can be done al fresco.
I strongly recommend taking your time to do this. A glass of wine at this stage is always enjoyable, and murmuring appropriate things to the girl will remind her that being the focal point of the culinary sacrifice you are turning her into is not merely her destiny but a compliment to her youthful comeliness.
This is the moment to carefully and sensually caress and circle the bottom flesh till you can feel it glow with the anticipation of what is to come, then after an appropriate interval, take the opportunity to insert the very tips of your fingers between the upper thighs as this will show you how juicy and ready she is. A subtle basting of the bottom flesh with his will help increase the eventual flavour.
And this is the moment you’ve been waiting for so enjoy every second of it making sure to relish the sound of your stinging spanks bouncing off that all too delicious bottom.
Some favour short and sharp and brisk, searing the flesh and bringing it to maximum heat almost instantly, but personally I go for a quiet slow build up, pausing periodically to test how ready the girl is for the feast that is to follow. The idea is to spank out, not all, but the vast majority of the naughtiness, ideally getting her to a point of glowing contrition. Attention to detail is important as when you settle down to feast on her you want her to be neither underdone nor overcooked. The colour of the flesh is a helpful indication, and my own taste is not for hot red,
but a softly glowing pink.
If you are ravenously hungry you can feast on her while she is still sizzling , or you might prefer to let your dish it sit for a while and let the flavour develop. Whatever you chose as at this stage she will be a perfect morsel of pleasure and if you have done everything correctly to this stage she will be absolutely delicious on the tongue.
I have too say that this is a meal best consumed in private as appetite tends to take over and things can get both sticky and messy, but nothing that can’t be sorted out with a long session afterwards in the bath.
Once you develop a taste for this dish you might find you want have it all the time, but try and remember that variety is the spice of life and do try and vary your diet and having this say no more than two to four times a week. Those with voracious appetites might be tempted to have several each day which could lead to high blood pressure and an overly racing heart.